Thursday, November 09, 2006

NASCAR... Jesus would love it

(Originally Posted: Monday, September 04, 2006)

Whatever your feelings are on autosports racing and the subsequent NASCAR, please put that aside.

Now, please think of the last sporting event you attended. Then think to the beginning of the event. I'm guessing you're thinking somwhere near paying $$$ for parking and the national anthem? Good... stay there. For NASCAR, the beginning of tonight's race was starting like any other sporting event I've attended... except for one moment that blew me away.

Right before the national anthem was sung, right before the engines were revved loudly, a pastor led the entire crowd/drivers/crews of 250,000 in a word of prayer. Now, this prayer wasn't to just a "spiritual being" or anything anonymous like that.... it was a genuine "Lord," "Heavenly Father," "God our maker" prayer.

To think, that a sport mocked at being redneck and hick (which it can be), still has a strong respect and desire to have faith, Christian faith, as a part of its experience was very touching.

Never did I imagine how a little of my auto racing world and a little of my faith would colide in an incredibly heart warming way. (And if you're curious... I think I almost cried as I was so touched by it. )

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Blogger Pastor Seth said...

Welcome to the neighborhood. Great story about prayer in NASCAR. They may be rednecks, but they know thier Bible.

btw- you might want to turn word verification on in blogger so your blog does not get hijacked by spammers. Just a thought.


2:52 PM


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