to listen and learn...
Inspired by a post of a dear friend about her new found feelings of AM Radio:
I vividly remember being a junior higher, riding in the backseat of a on old Volvo, weaving through the streats of San Francisco, headed to a district of the city called "The Mission." My sister Maddy and her then boyfriend, now brother-in-law, David, had just picked me up from the airport. There was conversation in the car, and there was NPR flowing through the speakers.
It was at this moment that my sister Maddy had another great impact on my life. Besides countless out-of-the-Lutheran-bubble-experiences that she made sure to enlighten my parochial school life with, this experiece is standing out to me right now - the opportunity to hear NPR.
To give a little definition of NPR (National Public Radio) it is basically the PBS (Public Broadcast System) version of radio - public and listener supported.
Yet, back to Maddy - du that car ride we listened to an evening broadcast of the news. A simple scan across the radio channels might have brought someone to hear the clear and poised NPR voice, but they then might roll right on through to some other disc jockey with a repative cheesy beat flowing behind their lackluster words. Yet, Maddy appreciated the opportunity to be an informed listener, hearing a reprose of the ongoings in our world - of situations that needed our awareness and possible activism.
I still today listen to NPR because of first being exposed by Maddy. Favorite shows like "A Prarie Home Companion," "Car Talk," and "All Things Considered," usually carry me home to San Diego on drives, or even at the computer when music can't fill the craving and tv seems like the poison for filling my thoughts.
So here's to you public broadcasting, and a meaningful sister who has always demonstrated incredible love to me.